- those starting up for the first time
- those who’ve been there before, either running their own company in the past or growing a significant business unit
#1 – You don’t do it on your own
While entrepreneurs in the recruitment space are often the visionary behind their success stories, they rarely execute on their strategies alone.
Surrounding themselves with a great support team is the first thing experienced founders look to do in a new project, knowing that they can rely on a network of experts in finance, IT, legal, HR and marketing to help bring their growth plans to life.
#2 – Support doesn’t mean loss of control
Working in partnership with a set of resources isn’t the same as giving up authority or autonomy in a new company.
It simply means that founders don’t have to manually deliver and propel every area of their business – they can focus their time on the things that only they can do, while delegating to and directing their team.
#3 – With the right alignment, everybody wins
Every seasoned business owner or senior manager can attest that the right incentive alignment is as important across partnerships as it is within recruiting teams.
Having everyone pulling in the same direction – and equally driven to positively impact business growth – is a fundamental part of building a winning framework.
Anyone trying to deliver the minimum or not correctly tied to the overall success of the venture will likely provide sub-par input and slow down overall growth.
#4 – Time is money
As hard as they may work, founders have the same 24-hour limits on each day as anybody else.
Over the course of the first few years spent getting their companies off the ground, what they decide to do with that time is vitally important.
Time lost into non-core areas – or spent becoming ‘experts’ on obscure points of tax, legislation or technology to solve a one-time problem – is never as effective as concentrating on developing customers, revenue and teams, especially when a qualified partner network can fill this knowledge gap on an as-needed basis.
#5 – There’s no value in rebuilding the wheel
Whether it’s employment contracts, CRM configurations, platform integrations, job descriptions, IR35 compliance documents, incentive & career plans, employee equity programs or MSA frameworks… it’s a huge drain on founder time to rebuild all the resources they leveraged to accelerate growth in their previous businesses.
When starting a new venture, experienced founders look to kick-start their momentum by building off a robust platform of pre-built resources that they can adapt to their needs, staying agile and growing at maximum pace.